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Wednesday , July 16 , 2003

Q: What does the R-O-M in ROM-file stand for?
A: Your guess is as good as ours.

Q: Do you guys have Dr. Pepper here?
A: Sure, but they're $3.75 a can.

Q: Why can't I perform properly with my mate?
A: Your not reading enough ROM File!

Q: Is June available?
A: Can you say loose?

Q: How can Cactrots talk?
A: The same way Donald Duck found himself in a Squaresoft game

Q: Can we rip off your comic?
A: Can we have your address? ^_^

Q: Can you send me ROMs?
A: What do you think?

Q: Can we send you naked pictures of ourselves?
A: Women over 18 only. Must be blonde with 'large' bust.

Q: Where did you get those character sprites from?
A: If I told you I'd have to kill you...

Why the hell is Indy stupid?!
A: Why are boogers in your nose? Why is the sky blue when space is black and the sun is yellow? It just is!

Question not answered?
E-mail Brian and Brandt now!









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